Carnegie Mellon University

TwinOps - DevOps meets model-based engineering and digital twins for the engineering of CPS

Version 2 2021-04-21, 19:27
Version 1 2021-04-21, 19:20
conference contribution
posted on 2021-04-21, 19:27 authored by Jerome HuguesJerome Hugues, Anton HristozovAnton Hristozov, John HudakJohn Hudak, Joseph YankelJoseph Yankel

The engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) requires a large set of expertise to capture the system requirements and to derive a correct solution. Model-based Engineering and DevOps aim to efficiently deliver software with increased quality. Model-based Engineering relies on models as first-class artifacts to analyze, simulate, and ultimately generate parts of a system. DevOps focuses on software engineering activities, from early development to integration, and then improvement through the monitoring of the system at run-time. We claim these can be efficiently combined to improve the engineering process of CPS.

In this paper, we present TwinOps, a process that unifies Model-based Engineering, Digital Twins, and DevOps practice in a uniform workflow. TwinOps illustrates how to leverage several best practices in MBE and DevOps for the engineering Cyber-Physical systems. We illustrate our contribution using a Digital Twins case study to illustrate TwinOps benefits, combining AADL and Modelica models, and an IoT platform.


Publisher Statement

presented at MoDELS '20: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. Virtual Event. Canada, 18-23 October 2020 Article No.: 94, Pages 1–5



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