Carnegie Mellon University

BOLD5000 Release 2.0

Version 2 2021-06-15, 20:09
Version 1 2021-06-08, 20:39
posted on 2021-06-15, 20:09 authored by Nadine ChangNadine Chang, John PylesJohn Pyles, Jacob PrinceJacob Prince, Michael TarrMichael Tarr, Elissa AminoffElissa Aminoff

BOLD5000 Release 2.0 is a complete re-release of functional data from BOLD5000, with optimized procedures for GLM estimation of brain-wide percent signal change in response to the experimental stimuli, yielding significant increases in the reliability of BOLD signal estimates compared to the initial data release.

For documentation and processing scripts, see:

For related materials see the BOLD5000 Collection at


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