Carnegie Mellon University

Bridges of Pittsburgh

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The Bridges of Pittsburgh is a highly interdisciplinary and collaborative public-facing project that pays homage both to an innovative, field-defining mathematical problem and to one of the defining features of our city. We proposed to discover how many of Pittsburgh’s 446 bridges could be traversed without crossing the same bridge twice, in the process addressing issues in processing crowdsourced GIS data, performing graph traversal with complex constraints, and using network analysis to compare communities formed by this road network to the historically-defined neighborhoods of Pittsburgh.

This ZIP file contains an RStudio project, with package dependencies bundled via packrat (

- The osmar/ directory contains OSM data, our processing code, and outputs used to generate the map at

- 2019_final_community_analysis/ contains code and derived datasets for the community analysis portion of the projectwar

- The legacy/ directory contains experimental datasets and code from the earliest phase of this project, which were later superseded by the main pipeline in the osmar/ directory.

Each directory contains further files documenting their structure.


Berkman Faculty Development Fund


