Carnegie Mellon University

CESAW Project Data Fact sheets

posted on 2019-10-10, 13:30 authored by William NicholsWilliam Nichols
This is data from projects within the scope of the CESAW research project. The data contains detailed logs of software project development at the task level. All project effort, defects, and size have been recorded for each individual task performed. There are 35 projects within this data set.

The project objective was to measure the cost and benefits of applying Static analysis to development.


This material is based upon work funded and supported by the Department of Defense under Con-tract No. FA8702-15-D-0002


Publisher Statement

This is the CESAW data set 10.1184/R1/9922697 of Nichols, W. R., McHale, J. D., Sweeney, D., Snavely, W., & Volkman, A. CESAW_SEI-2018-TR-004 (No. CMU/SEI-2018-TR-004). (2018). Pittsburgh, PA.

