Carnegie Mellon University

Dataset of X-Ray Micro Computed Tomography Measurements of Porosity for Nominal and Low Power Coupons Fabricated by Powder Bed Fusion-Laser Beam

posted on 2025-01-31, 21:20 authored by Justin MinerJustin Miner, Sneha Prabha NarraSneha Prabha Narra


Dataset of porosity data in Powder Bed Fusion - Laser Beam of Ti-6Al-4V obtained via X-ray Micro Computed Tomography. This work was conducted on an EOS M290. The coupons in this dataset are fabricated at 150 W and 280 W.


poredf.csv: A csv file with pore measurements for each sample scanned.

parameters.csv: A csv file containing the process parameters and extreme value statistics (EVS) parameters for each sample scanned.

WARNING: parameters.csv is too large to open in excel. Saving it in excel will cause data loss.


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