Carnegie Mellon University

Morphological priming with varying orthographic-semantic consistency for adult and developing readers: Data and experiment files

posted on 2022-12-12, 19:52 authored by Patience StevensPatience Stevens, David PlautDavid Plaut

These data and experiment files correspond to studies of the impact of orthographic-semantic consistency on readers' sensitivity to morphological structures. First data file (OSC_recalcs.txt) provides the newly calculated OSC values, for both the target-centered and the centroid-centered approach. Second data file (study2_adultOSCeffects_data.txt) includes lexical decision responses and reaction times for adult participants to semantically transparent (TEACHER-TEACH) and semantically opaque (CORNER-CORN) morphological prime-target word pairs (Study 2). Third data file (study3_devOSCeffects_data.txt) includes responses and reaction times for developmental participants (ages 9 to 16) to semantically transparent and semantically opaque morphological pairs, and orthographic prime-target pairs (CASHEW-CASH; Study 3). The fourth file (study3_devOSCeffects_participantinfo.txt) provides the age and word reading score corresponding to each developmental participant ID. The two zip files contain files used to present the two studies remotely, in participants' web browsers. In all files, only the data included in the analyses reported were provided - data cleaning (removing inaccurate responses, problematic items, low-performing participants, etc) has already been applied. See paper for details of data collection; email prstevens910 [at] gmail [dot] com for additional information about this project.


