tubeBackMass: The background level information for each of the Tenax tubes after cleaning.
'X'_ptr: (sometimes with _background) (where "X" represents the experiment name for one of 12 experiments). The PTR-MS measurements for each of the 12 paint experiments with the exact experiment specified as the "X" at the start of the name. These experiments took place over the course of the two-day drying period following paint application. If the name has background in it, then it is a blank background measurement with the PTR-MS prior to the start of that experiment.
headspace_'X': (sometimes with _background) (where "X" represents the experiment name for one of 12 experiments). The headspace PTR-MS measurements for each of the 12 paint experiments with the exact experiment specified as the "X" at the start of the name. These experiments were conducted by placing the inlet to the PTR-MS over the headspace of the paints for ~15 minutes. If the name has background in it, then it is a blank background measurement with the PTR-MS prior to the start of that experiment.
'X'dataStruct.mat: (where "X" represents the experiment name for one of 13 experiments). These are the .mat files which can be uploaded into matlab. They all have the same structure but for different experiments as specified by their names.