Carnegie Mellon University

Saved Data Results from the Workflow to Analysis Imputation for Microsatellite / Cell Datasets for Reconstructing Cell Lineage Maps

posted on 2018-04-09, 17:25 authored by Alan ShteymanAlan Shteyman, Ruchi Asthana, Russell SchwartzRussell Schwartz
These are the results of the pipeline I wrote for my research in order to determine how imputation method affects the underlying structure of a Microsatellite/Cell Dataset useful for reconstructing cell lineage maps. The analysis was done using KNN,Linear Regression and a novel method based on Fitch's Algorithm. The pipeline was applied to 3 datasets (Tree A, B and C) taken from Frumkin et al. 2005 and is in three different folders. Follow the instructions txt to easily load data into python for easy processing.


Grant (#4100070287) with the Pennsylvania Department of Health,Grant (FA9550-13-1-0108) from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research,Grant (R01GM117425) from the U.S. National Institutes of Health


