Carnegie Mellon University

Ultra high-density EEG recording of interictal migraine and controls: sensory and rest

We used a high-density electroencephalography (HD-EEG) system, with 128 customized electrode locations, to record from 17 individuals with migraine (12 female) in the interictal period, and 18 age- and gender-matched healthy control subjects, during visual (vertical grating pattern) and auditory (modulated tone) stimulation which varied in temporal frequency (4 and 6Hz), and during rest.

This dataset includes the EEG raw data related to the paper entitled Chamanzar, Haigh, Grover, and Behrmann (2020), Abnormalities in cortical pattern of coherence in migraine detected using ultra high-density EEG. The link to our paper will be made available as soon as it is published online.


This work was supported by CMU BrainHUB to MB, PG, and AC, the Chuck Noll Foundation for Brain Injury Research award to PG, a NARSAD YI Grant from the BBRF (26282) to SMH, and an NSF EPSCoR grant (1632849) that SMH is a Co-I on.
