Carnegie Mellon University


posted on 2021-03-12, 17:57 authored by Future Tenant GalleryFuture Tenant Gallery, Sidney Mullis

A fictive kingdom of invented animals performing their mating rituals. Artist Sidney Mullis transforms the art space into a “mate-claiming” opportunity for these invented animals to attempt their best sexual conquests.

Coming of age, both physically and socially, raises innumerable questions for all to-be women. During female development, curiosities arise without the proper knowledge to understand. Sidney’s work investigates this juncture of playful adolescence and susceptible adulthood. By combining adult content with materials suitable for children’s crafts, she explores unabashedly what it means to be a woman.

Sidney Mullis creates performance-based video projections of invented animals. Together, they create a kingdom that exists analogous to the homo sapien realm. By playing dress-up, an activity engaged by children, Sidney portrays imagined sexes and genders to understand pre-existing constructions of how woman is realized and, furthermore, performed.

July 10 - August 9, 2015


