posted on 2002-04-01, 00:00authored byDennis Cheung, Felipe Cucker, Javier PenaJavier Pena
In this note we define a condition number C (A) for the
feasibility problem of homogeneous second order linear conic systems.
This condition number extends that defined by the first two authors in
Math. Program. 91:163–174 (2001) for homogeneous polyhedral linear
conic systems. We show that it shares some of its properties —it can be
characterized as a relativised inverse to the distance to ill-posedness,
it is bounded by Renegar’s condition number C(A)— but not all of
them —it is not necessarily the inverse of the radius of the largest
cone inscribed in the solution set. In doing so, we also prove a new
characterization of Renegar’s C(A).