The daily spoken variety of Arabic is often termed the colloquial or dialect form of Arabic. There are many Arabic dialects
across the Arab World and within other Arabic speaking communities. These dialects vary widely from region to region
and to a lesser extent from city to city in each region. The dialects are not standardized, they are not taught, and they
do not have official status. However they are the primary vehicles of communication (face-to-face and recently, online)
and have a large presence in the arts as well. In this paper, we present the first multidialectal Arabic parallel corpus, a
collection of 2,000 sentences in Standard Arabic, Egyptian, Tunisian, Jordanian, Palestinian and Syrian Arabic, in addition
to English. Such parallel data does not exist naturally, which makes this corpus a very valuable resource that has many
potential applications such as Arabic dialect identification and machine translation.
Publisher Statement
Published in Proceedings of LREC, May 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland