Carnegie Mellon University

A systematic approach to conceptual engineering design

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journal contribution
posted on 1991-01-01, 00:00 authored by Kathleen O'Shaughnessy, Robert H. Sturges, Carnegie Mellon University.Engineering Design Research Center.
Abstract: "The issue in conceptual design theory is to understand the processes which lead to innovation and to create tools which generatestep changes in function in an orderly and repetitious manner. Detailed form-function synthesis methods which generally follow the conceptual phase of the design process require input specifications. An extension of function logic is proposed as a means to systematically promote innovation, manage conceptual design information, and produce such specifications. A three-tiered model for conceptual design is presented comprising function structure, allocation, and components. Applications of the model are given to include design intent, information flow, functional variants, and system behavior. Detailed examples are given with references to current methods."


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