Carnegie Mellon University

Algorithm/Hardware Co-optimized SAR Image Reconstruction with 3D-stacked Logic in Memory

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journal contribution
posted on 2014-09-01, 00:00 authored by Fazle Sadi, Berkin Akin, Doru T. Popovici, James C. Hoe, Larry Pileggi, Franz Franchetti

Real-time system level implementations of complex Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image reconstruction algorithms have always been challenging due to their data intensive characteristics. In this paper, we propose a basis vector transform based novel algorithm to alleviate the data intensity and a 3D-stacked logic in memory based hardware accelerator as the implementation platform. Experimental results indicate that this proposed algorithm/hardware co-optimized system can achieve an accuracy of 91 dB PSNR compared to a reference algorithm implemented in Matlab and energy efficiency of 72 GFLOPS/W for a 8k×8k SAR image reconstruction.


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