An Extractive-Summarization Baseline for the Automatic Detection of Noteworthy Utterances in Multi-Party Human-Human Dialog
Our goal is to reduce meeting participants’ note-taking effort by automatically identifying utterances whose contents meeting participants are likely to include in their notes. Though note-taking is different from meeting summarization, these two problems are related. In this paper we apply techniques developed in extractive meeting summarization research to the problem of identifying noteworthy utterances. We show that these algorithms achieve an f-measure of 0.14 over a 5-meeting sequence of related meetings. The precision – 0.15 – is triple that of the trivial baseline of simply labeling every utterance as noteworthy. We also introduce the concept of “show-worthy” utterances –utterances that contain information that could conceivably result in a note. We show that such utterances can be recognized with an 81% accuracy (compared to 53% accuracy of a majority classifier). Further, if non-show-worthy utterances are filtered out, the precision of noteworthiness detection improves by 33% relative.