Carnegie Mellon University

Combining Regions and Patches for Object Class Localization

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journal contribution
posted on 2006-01-01, 00:00 authored by Caroline Pantofaru, Gyuri Dorko, Cordelia Schmid, Martial Hebert
We introduce a method for object class detection and localization which combines regions generated by image segmentation with local patches. Region-based descriptors can model and match regular textures reliably, but fail on parts of the object which are textureless. They also cannot repeatably identify interest points on their boundaries. By incorporating information from patch-based descriptors near the regions into a new feature, the Region-based Context Feature (RCF), we can address these issues. We apply Region-based Context Features in a semi-supervised learning framework for object detection and localization. This framework produces object-background segmentation masks of deformable objects. Numerical results are presented for pixel-level performance.


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