Carnegie Mellon University

Designing Personal Tele-Embodiment

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journal contribution
posted on 1998-01-01, 00:00 authored by Eric Paulos, John Canny
At the intersection of tele-robotics, computer networking, and human social interaction we have chosen to explore an area we identify as personal tele-embodiment. At the core of this research is an emphasis on the individual person rather than the intricate complexities of the machine. While the mechanical elements of our system are essential to its overall functionality, our research is driven solely by the study and understanding of the social and psychological aspects of extended human-human interactions rather than the latest techno-gadgetry. In this paper we emphasize the importance of the human component and describe the development of one such simple, inexpensive, internet-controlled, untethered tele-robot or PRoP (Personal Roving Presence) that provides several fundamental elements of personal tele embodiment.


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