posted on 2015-04-09, 00:00authored byLisa Espig, Alan FriezeAlan Frieze, Michael Krivelevich
We first consider the following problem. We are given a fixed perfect matching M of [n] and we add random edges one at a time until there is a Hamilton cycle containing M. We show that w.h.p. the hitting time for this event is the same as that for the first time there are no isolated vertices in the graph induced by the random edges. We then use this result for the following problem. We generate random edges and randomly color them black or white. A path/cycle is said to \emph{zebraic} if the colors alternate along the path. We show that w.h.p. the hitting time for a zebraic Hamilton cycle coincides with every vertex meeting at least one edge of each color. We then consider some related problems and extend to multiple colors.