Emerging technology, coupled with effective policy reform, could lead to
tremendous gains in spectral efficiency. This would alleviate the spectrum
scarcity that many nations have experienced. To be effective, reform in spectrum
policy must fit the realistic capabilities of emerging technology, as well as
applicable economic theory. This paper discusses three general approaches to
reform. The first approach is increased reliance on market-based mechanisms,
possibly leading to a spectrum property system. The second approach is the
expanded use of commons, or blocks of spectrum that are available to all devices
for sharing. It is argued that both approaches have significant merit that
regulators should exploit. However, each of these approaches is ineffective when
taken to its extreme, where one must make unfounded assumptions about
technology. The third approach discussed in this paper is sharing between a
primary spectrum user that is licensed, and one or more secondary users, where
secondary users may not cause harmful interference to the primary spectrum user.
Many people underestimate the potential importance of this third approach in
today’s debates over spectrum policy reform. Emerging technology such as
cognitive radio, location technology, and secure micropayment schemes will
make a variety of primary-secondary sharing schemes ranging from real-time
secondary markets to unlicensed opportunistic access more practical. Each of
these schemes could be highly beneficial for a different set of applications and