posted on 2009-06-01, 00:00authored byJohn Engberg, Dennis EppleDennis Epple, Jason Imbrogno, Holger Sieg, Ron Zimmer
The purpose of this paper is to provide a new framework for evaluating education
programs that ration excess demand by admission lotteries when selective attrition
cannot be ignored. Differential attrition arises in these models because students that
lose the lottery are more likely to pursue educational options outside the school district.
When students leave the district, important outcome variables are often not
observed. We provide conditions that allow us to identify the proportions of latent
student types and, thereby, the extent of differential attrition. We provide estimators
of the proportions of the these latent types and their characteristics. We apply our
methods to study the effectiveness of magnet programs in a mid-sized urban school
district. We show that the students that cause the differential attrition have very
different observed characteristics than the other students. Selective attrition implies
that treatment effects are not point identified. We discuss how to construct informative
bounds when point identification is not feasible. Our findings show that magnet
programs help the district to attract and retain students. The bound estimates also
demonstrate that magnet programs offered by the district improve behavioral outcomes
such as offenses, timeliness, and attendance.