posted on 2008-10-01, 00:00authored byPatrick TaguePatrick Tague, David Slater, Jason Rogers, Radha Poovendran
Joint analysis of security and routing protocols in wireless networks reveals vulnerabilities of secure network traffic that
remain undetected when security and routing protocols are analyzed independently. We formulate a class of continuous metrics to
evaluate the vulnerability of network traffic as a function of security and routing protocols used in wireless networks. We develop two
complementary vulnerability definitions using set theoretic and circuit theoretic interpretations of the security of network traffic, allowing
a network analyst or an adversary to determine weaknesses in the secure network. We formalize node capture attacks using the
vulnerability metric as a nonlinear integer programming minimization problem and propose the GNAVE algorithm, a Greedy Node
capture Approximation using Vulnerability Evaluation. We discuss the availability of security parameters to the adversary and show
that unknown parameters can be estimated using probabilistic analysis. We demonstrate vulnerability evaluation using the proposed
metrics and node capture attacks using the GNAVE algorithm through detailed examples and simulation.