Carnegie Mellon University

Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation

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journal contribution
posted on 2007-01-01, 00:00 authored by Shoba Venkataraman, Subhabrata Sen, Oliver Spatscheck, Patrick Haffner, Dawn Song
E-mail has become indispensable in today’s networked society. However, the huge and ever-growing volume of spam has become a serious threat to this important communication medium. It not only affects e-mail recipients, but also causes a significant overload to mail servers which handle the e-mail transmission. We perform an extensive analysis of IP addresses and IP aggregates given by network-aware clusters in order to investigate properties that can distinguish the bulk of the legitimate mail and spam. Our analysis indicates that the bulk of the legitimate mail comes from long-lived IP addresses. We also find that the bulk of the spam comes from network clusters that are relatively long-lived. Our analysis suggests that network-aware clusters may provide a good aggregation scheme for exploiting the history and structure of IP addresses. We then consider the implications of this analysis for prioritizing legitimate mail. We focus on the situation when mail server is overloaded, and the goal is to maximize the legitimate mail that it accepts. We demonstrate that the history and the structure of the IP addresses can reduce the adverse impact of mail server overload, by increasing the number of legitimate e-mails accepted by a factor of 3.


