Carnegie Mellon University

Exploring audio semantic concepts for event-based video retrieval

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journal contribution
posted on 2014-05-01, 00:00 authored by Yipei Wang, Shourabh Rawat, Florian MetzeFlorian Metze

The audio semantic concepts (sound events) play important roles in audio-based content analysis. How to capture the semantic information effectively from the complex occurrence pattern of sound events in YouTube quality videos is a challenging problem. This paper presents a novel framework to handle the complex situation for semantic information extraction in real-world videos and evaluate through the NIST multimedia event detection task (MED). We calculate the occurrence confidence matrix of sound events and explore multiple strategies to generate clip-level semantic features from the matrix. We evaluate the performance using TRECVID2011 MED dataset. The proposed method outperforms previous HMM-based system. The late fusion experiment with the low-level features and text feature (ASR) shows that audio semantic concepts capture complementary information in the soundtrack.


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