Carnegie Mellon University
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Fast Reactive Control for Illumination Through Rain and Snow

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journal contribution
posted on 2012-04-01, 00:00 authored by Raoul de Charette, Robert TamburoRobert Tamburo, Peter C. Barnum, Anthony G. Rowe, Takeo Kanade, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan

During low-light conditions, drivers rely mainly on headlights to improve visibility. But in the presence ofrain and snow, headlights can paradoxically reduce visibility due to light reflected off of precipitation back towards the driver. Precipitation also scatters light across a wide range of angles that disrupts the vision of drivers in oncoming vehicles. In contrast to recent computer vision methods that digitally remove rain and snow streaks from captured images, we present a system that will directly improve driver visibility by controlling illumination in response to detected precipitation. The motion of precipitation is tracked and only the space around particles is illuminated using fast dynamic control. Using a physics-based simulator, we show how such a system would perform under a variety of weather conditions. We build and evaluate a proof-of-concept system that can avoid water drops generated in the laboratory.


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