posted on 1998-01-01, 00:00authored byJan E. Vandemeer, Michael S. Kranz, Gary K. Fedder
A circuit-level methodology for simulating
micromachined inertial sensors based on a hierarchical
representation of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)
is presented. In the NODAS methodology ( N O dal D esign
of A ctuators and S ensors), microaccelerometers and
microgyroscopes are designed as netlists of general-purpose
micromechanical beams, plates, electrostatic gaps, joints,
and anchors and evaluated using lumped-parameter
behavioral models. The on-chip displacements and global
position of each micromechanical element have been
separated in the netlist, enabling application of translation
and rotation of the chip while simultaneously providing
access to on-chip displacements for position sensing and
electrostatic actuation. Simulations of static displacements
and modal frequencies of a cantilever beam, a crab-leg
accelerometer, and a symmetric vibratory-rate gyroscope
agree to within 2% of finite-element analysis when using
the minimal number of elements. Simulation of a 16 kHz
vibratory-rate gyroscope system with dual transresistance
sense amplifiers illustrates the ability to perform systemlevel
mixed-domain simulation.