In a recent issue of this Journal, Pinker and Prince (1988) and Lachter and Bever (1988)
presented detailed critiques of Rumelhart and McClelland's (1986) connectionist model of
the child's learning of the phonological form of the English past tense. In order to address
these criticisms, a new connectionist model was constructed using the back-propagation
algorithm, a larger input corpus, a fuller paradigm, and a new phonological representation.
This new implementation successfully addressed the criticisms of the phonological
representation used by Rumelhart and McClelland. It did a much better job of learning the
past tense using a fuller input set with realistic frequencies of occurrence. Ancillary
simulations using the same network were able to deal with the homonymy problem and the
generation of forms like “ated” from “ate.” The one feature not provided by the new
model was a way of modeling early correct production of irregular forms. The success of
the new model can be used to help clarify the extent to which the published critiques apply
to a particular connectionist implementation as opposed to fundamental principles
underlying the broader connectionist conceptualization.