Carnegie Mellon University

Improving Cache Performance by Exploiting Read-Write Disparity

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journal contribution
posted on 2014-02-01, 00:00 authored by Samira Khan, Alaa R. Alameldeen, Chris Wilkerson, Onur Mutlu, Daniel A. Jimenez

Cache read misses stall the processor if there are no independent instructions to execute. In contrast, most cache write misses are off the critical path of execution, since writes can be buffered in the cacheor the store buffer. With few exceptions, cache lines that serve loads are more critical for performancethan cache lines that serve only stores. Unfortunately, traditional cache management mechanisms do not take into account this disparity between read-write criticality. This paper proposes a Read-WritePartitioning (RWP) policy that minimizes read misses by dynamically partitioning the cache into clean and dirty partitions, where partitions grow in size if they are more likely to receive future read requests. We show that exploiting the differences in read-write criticality provides better performance over priorcache management mechanisms. For a single-core system, RWP provides 5% average speedup across the entire SPEC CPU2006 suite, and 14% average speedup for cache-sensitive benchmarks, over the baseline LRU replacement policy. We also show that RWP can perform within 3% of a new yet complex instruction-address-based technique, Read Reference Predictor (RRP), that bypasses cachelines which are unlikely to receive any read requests, while requiring only 5.4% of RRP's state overhead. On a 4-core system, our RWP mechanism improves system throughput by 6% over the baseline and outperforms three other state-of-the-art mechanisms we evaluate.


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