We extend the traditional literature on bundling and the burgeoning literature on two-sided markets by presenting a theoretical monopoly model of mixed
bundling in the context of the portable video game console market--a prototypical
two-sided market. It is shown that the monopoly platform's dominant strategy is
to offer a mixed bundle rather than pure bundle or no bundle. Deviating from both
traditional bundling literature and standard two-sided markets literature, we …find
that, under mixed bundling, both the standalone console price on the consumer
side and the royalty fee on the game developer side are lower than their counter-
parts under independent pricing equilibrium. In our setting, mixed bundling acts
as a price discrimination tool segmenting the market more efficiently as well as
functions as a coordination device helping solve "the chicken or the egg" problem
in two-sided markets.
After theoretically evaluating the impact mixed bundling has on prices and
welfare, we further test the model predictions with new data from the portable
video game console market in the early to middle 2000s, during which Nintendo
was a monopolist. We employ a reduced-form approach similar to Jin and Rysman
(2009), and …find empirical support for all theoretical predictions.