posted on 2007-03-01, 00:00authored byBradley J. Best, Cleotilde GonzalezCleotilde Gonzalez, Michael D. Young, Alice F. Healy, Lyle E. Bourne, Jr.
A model of human automaticity in a dynamic visual task (RADAR) is reported. This model
represents a first approximation for a model that reproduces the main results from human participants
collected by Young, Healy, Gonzalez, and Bourne (2007). The initial results on response time
demonstrate high degree of fidelity (R2=0.98) using a process model derived directly from task
requirements. The model leverages the ACT-R cognitive architecture (Anderson & Lebiere, 1998) and
depends primarily on assumptions that have been imported from previous modeling efforts. The model is
an instantiation of a dual-process theory of automaticity that is mediated by a strategy selection stage.