Carnegie Mellon University

Monitor Based Oracles for Cyber-Physical System Testing

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journal contribution
posted on 2014-06-01, 00:00 authored by Aaron KaneAaron Kane, Thomas Fuhrman, Philip Koopman

Testing Cyber-Physical Systems is becoming increasingly challenging as they incorporate advanced autonomy features. We investigate using an external runtime monitor as a partial test oracle to detect violations of critical system behavioral requirements on an automotive development platform. Despite limited source code access and using only existing network messages, we were able to monitor a hardware-in-the-loop vehicle simulator and analyze prototype vehicle log data to detect violations of high-level critical properties. Interface robustness testing was useful to further exercise the monitors. Beyond demonstrating feasibility, the experience emphasized a number of remaining research challenges, including: approximating system intent based on limited system state observability, how to best balance the simplicity and expressiveness of the specification language used to define monitored properties, how to warm up monitoring of system variable state after mode change discontinuities, and managing the differences between simulation and real vehicles when conducting such tests


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