Usability and usefulness have made the spreadsheet one of the most successful computing applications
of all times: millions rely on it every day for anything from typing grocery lists to developing multimillion
dollar budgets. One thing spreadsheets are not very good at is manipulating symbolic data and
helping users make decisions based on them. By tapping into recent research in Logic Programming,
Databases and Cognitive Psychology, we propose a deductive extension to the spreadsheet paradigm
which addresses precisely this issue. The accompanying tool, which we call NEXCEL, is intended as
an automated assistant for the daily reasoning and decision-making needs of computer users, in the same
way as a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel assists them every day with calculations simple
and complex. Users without formal training in Logic or even Computer Science can interactively define
logical rules in the same simple way as they define formulas in Excel. NEXCEL immediately evaluates
these rules thereby returning lists of values that satisfy them, again just like with numerical formulas. The
deductive component is seamlessly integrated into the traditional spreadsheet so that a user not only still
has access to the usual functionalities, but is able to use them as part of the logical inference and, dually,
to embed deductive steps in a numerical calculation.