Carnegie Mellon University

Optimal no-intersection multi-label binary localization for time series using totally unimodular linear programming

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journal contribution
posted on 2014-10-01, 00:00 authored by Ricardo da Silveira Cabral, Joao Costeira, Alexandre Bernardino, Fernando de la Torre

We propose a new model for simultaneously localizing different classes in the same media, casting it as an integer optimization problem. Our model subsumes into a single formulation previous single and multi-class localization methods, as well as allows us to exploit optimal relaxations to the linear domain. We apply our model to the problem of multi-label multiple instance learning for tagging video collections. Given weakly labeled training samples, where tags for actions in video and objects in images are known but not their locations, our aim is to train classifiers for both detection and localization of said classes on new data. Experimental results demonstrate our approach obtains similar performances when compared to fully supervised methods.


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