Carnegie Mellon University

RAVE: A Real and Virtual Environment for Multiple Mobile Robot Systems

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journal contribution
posted on 1999-01-01, 00:00 authored by Kevin Dixon, John M. Dolan, Wesley Huang, Christiaan Paredis, Pradeep K. Khosla
To focus on the research issues surrounding collaborative behavior in multiple mobile-robotic systems, a great amount of low-level infrastructure is required. To facilitate our on-going research into multi-robot systems, we have developed RAVE, a software framework that provides a Real And Virtual Environment for running and managing multiple heterogeneous mobile-robot systems. This framework simplifies the implementation and development of collaborative robotic systems by providing the following capabilities: the ability to run systems off-line in simulation, user-interfaces for observing and commanding simulated and real robots, transparent transference of simulated robot programs to real robots, the ability to have simulated robots interact with real robots, and the ability to place virtual sensors on real robots to augment or experiment with their performance.


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