Carnegie Mellon University

Simultaneous Optimization and Heat Integration Framework Based on Rigorous Process Simulations

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-01-01, 00:00 authored by Yang Chen, John EslickJohn Eslick, Ignacio E. Grossmann, David C. Miller

This paper introduces a novel simultaneous optimization and heat integration approach, which can be used directly with the rigorous models in process simulators. In this approach, the overall process is optimized utilizing external derivative-free optimizers, which interact directly with the process simulation. The heat integration subproblem is formulated as an LP model and solved simultaneously during optimization of the flowsheet to update the minimum utility and heat exchanger area targets. A piecewise linear approximation for the composite curve is applied to obtain more accurate heat integration results. This paper describes the application of this simultaneous approach for three cases: a recycle process, a separation process and a power plant with carbon capture. The case study results indicate that this simultaneous approach is relatively easy to implement and achieves higher profit and lower operational cost and, in the case of the power plant example, higher net efficiency than the sequential approach.


