Carnegie Mellon University

Software doesn't transfer, people do

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journal contribution
posted on 1993-01-01, 00:00 authored by D. M. Steier, Robert F. Coyne, Eswaran Subrahmanian, Carnegie Mellon University.Engineering Design Research Center.
Abstract: "On January 19, 1993, approximately forty people from EDRC and its affiliates participated in a workshop on the role of software in disseminating new engineering design methods. Several case studies of method dissemination involving software were presented and analyzed. This report summarizes the workshop talks and discussions, which revealed several 'myths' regarding software technology transfer and strongly supported a model in which people, rather than disembodied software systems, are seen as the primary agents for technology transition. However, lest the role of software itself in technology transition be completely overshadowed, the report concludes with some reflection on the potential for improving the quality and usability of research software systems (in contexts where this is a desirable goal). The workshop suggests that an important step in this direction is better calibrating the expectations and incentives of the academic and industrial players in the technology transition partnership."


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