Spoken Language Interaction in a Goal-Directed Task
To study the spoken language interface in the context of a complex
problem-solving task, a group of users were asked to perform a
spreadsheet task, alternating voice and keyboard input. A total of 40
tasks were performed by each participant, the first thirty in a group
(over several days), the remaining ones a month later. The voice
spreadsheet program used in this study was extensively instrumented
to provide detailed information about the components of the inter-
action. These data, as well as analysis of the participants's ut-
terances and recognizer output, provide a fairly detailed picture of
spoken language interaction.
Although task completion by voice took longer than by keyboard,
analysis shows that users would be able to perform the spreadsheet
task faster by voice, if two key criteria could be met recognition
occurs in real-time, and the error rate is sufficiently low. This initial
experience with a spoken language system also allows us to identify
several metrics, beyond those traditionally associated with speech
recognition, that can be used to characterize system performance.