Carnegie Mellon University

The Challenges of Personal Data Markets and Privacy

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-19, 19:39 authored by Sarah Spiekermann, Rainer Boehme, Alessandro AcquistiAlessandro Acquisti, Kai-Lung Hui
Personal data is increasingly conceived as a tradable asset. Markets for personal information are emerging and new ways of valuating individuals’ data are being proposed. At the same time, legal obligations over protection of personal data and individuals’ concerns over its privacy persist. This article outlines some of the economic, technical, social, and ethical issues associated with personal data markets, focusing on the privacy challenges they raise.


Publisher Statement

This is the author's version of the following article: Spiekermann, S., Acquisti, A., Böhme, R., & Hui, K.-L. (2015). The challenges of personal data markets and privacy. Electronic Markets, 25(2), 161–167. It has been published in final form at

