ThiS year Carnegie Mellon University began work to develop a fully electronic historical
archive of the papers of the late Senator H. John Heinz III. The project is named
HEllOS, the Heinz Electronic-Library Interactive On-line System, in honor of the late
Senator. Carnegie Mellon received over one million dollars from the Heinz Family Foundation,
Heinz Company Foundation and Heinz Endowments in support of the HEllOS
project. The grant supports the establishment of the H. John Heinz III Archives where
the Congressional papers of the late Sena tor are being preserved and digitized to make
them electronically accessible to students, faculty, public-policy professionals and researchers.
Edward Galloway, the Heinz Archivist, will describe the Heinz Archives and
the HEllOS project in his presentation. The present pa per will concentrate on the members
of the HEllOS project team and their intellectual contributions with special emphasis
on Carnegie Mellon's multidisciplin ary approach to creating an electroni c archives.