posted on 2007-01-01, 00:00authored byBruce M. McLaren, Oliver Scheuer, Maarten De Laat, Rakheli Hever, Reuma De Groot, Carolyn P Rose
Students are starting to use networked visual argumentation tools to
discuss, debate, and argue with one another about topics presented by a teacher.
However, this development gives rise to an emergent issue for teachers: how do
they support students during these e-discussions? The ARGUNAUT system aims
to provide the teacher (or moderator) with tools that will facilitate effective
moderation of several simultaneous e-discussions. Awareness Indicators, provided
as part of a moderator’s user interface, help monitor the progress of discussions on
several dimensions (e.g., critical reasoning). In this paper we discuss preliminary
steps taken in using machine learning techniques to support the Awareness
Indicators. Focusing on individual contributions (single objects containing textual
content, contributed in the visual workspace by students) and sequences of two
linked contributions (two objects, the connection between them, and the students’
textual contributions), we have run a series of machine learning experiments in an
attempt to train classifiers to recognize important student actions, such as using
critical reasoning and raising and answering questions. The initial results presented
in this paper are encouraging, but we are only at the beginning of our analysis.