Deformation Events
2 zip files of deformation event sounds, 1 zip file of deformation event videos, 1 rtf file of recording notes
Copyright 2016, Laurie Heller, Ph.D. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this material for any purpose other than its incorporation into a commercial product or transfer for compensation is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies, that Dr. Laurie Heller of Carnegie Mellon University and the support of NSF grant 0446955 are acknowledged in all publications and documents as the source of the material, and that the name of Dr. Laurie Heller not be used in endorsing any product resulting from the use of the material without specific, written prior permission.
Any publication or public use of these sounds should be accompanied by the following acknowledgments:
Sounds courtesy of the Sound Events Database (
Copyright 2008, Laurie M. Heller. Funding provided by NSF award 0446955.