Carnegie Mellon University

The Design and Implementation of Integrated and Interdisciplinary Information Literacy Instruction

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This poster was presented at the CMU Teaching and Learning Summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on November 1st, 2018.

In 2017, we were invited to teach information literacy in two required MCS classes, EUREKA! and PROPEL. Our primary challenge was developing content that would keep students engaged and have a broad interdisciplinary scope. We closely collaborated with faculty in MCS to develop lesson plans that included a number of active learning exercises. While student engagement appeared variable across sections and exercises, an attitudes post-assessment suggested that a majority of students found a role-playing exercise helpful for learning information literacy concepts. In fall of 2018, we piloted an information scavenger hunt activity. We also introduced a learning pre-and post assessment, and students demonstrated a significant learning gain. This assessment instrument will allow us to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of various active learning exercises and target areas of weakness with interventions.


