Balancing Multiple Roles of Repositories: Developing a Comprehensive Institutional Repository at Carnegie Mellon University
Many institutions today maintain multiple separate repositories operating on different systems and platforms to accommodate the needs and governance of the materials they house. Often times, these institutions may also support multiple repositories as the systems and platforms are not able to accommodate the broad range of materials that an institution creates and makes accessible, which include materials traditionally deposited into an institutional repository and research datasets. Announced in 2017, the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Libraries implemented a new repository solution and service model.
Built upon the figshare platform, the KiltHub repository has taken on the role of a traditional institutional repository as well as an institutional data repository. This presentation will review how the CMU Libraries implemented KiltHub, and how the Institution’s repository services and policies were re-developed to provide a more encompassing solution for traditional institutional repository materials, as well as research datasets.
Attendees can expect to hear how the CMU Libraries reviewed the current repository landscape, how the decision to implement figshare for Institutions as a comprehensive institutional repository was made, how the previous repository service model was revised to accommodate the influx of new material types, and what needed to be developed for campus rollout.
This presentation was given at the 2018 Open Repositories Conference. Montana State University. Bozeman, MT. June 5, 2018.