Does Privacy Regulation Harm Content Providers? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of the GDPR
While the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has received sig-nificant attention in the information systems literature, concerns that it would adverselyaffect websites’ ability to provide quality content to their visitors have not been thor-oughly investigated. We construct a longitudinal data-set of news and media websites tostudy how online content providers adapted their responses to the GDPR over time, andwhether restrictions on online tracking enforced by the regulation affected downstreamoutcomes such as the quantity of content those websites offer to their visitors and vis-itors’ engagement with such content. We find robust evidence of websites’ reactions tothe GDPR in both the US and the EU, including an initial reduction in the number ofthird-party cookies and intensity of visitor tracking. However, reactions differ betweenUS and EU websites, and several months after the enactment of the regulation the initialreduction in tracking is reversed, as tracking among EU websites bounces back. We usedifference-in-differences, LATE, and look-ahead matching models to assess downstreameffects of the regulation, capturing both ecosystem effects and website-level effects. Wefind a small reduction in average page views per visitor on EU websites relative to USwebsites near the end of the period of observation, but no statistically significant impactof the regulation on EU websites’ provision of new content, social media engagement withnew content, and ranking in both the short-term and the long-term. We also find noevidence of differences in survival rates across EU and US content providers, and no evi-dence that monetization strategies change at a higher rate for EU websites relative to USwebsites. While industry predictions forebode dire consequences arising from the GDPRfor content providers, we find that websites that responded more strongly to the GDPRwere those less likely to be affected by such a response; in contrast, websites that reliedin great part on EU visitors found, over time, ways to avoid being negatively affected bythe regulation.