Electrical Control and Readout of Magnetization using Low-Symmetry Topological Semimetals
Electrical control and detection of magnetization in spintronic devices form the corner stone of integrating magnetic materials into modern technology. By interfacing a magnetic material with a spin source material, spin-orbit torques can efficiently switch the magnetic state at high speeds. Moreover, interface-induced magnetoresistive effects offer a pathway for magnetic detection and fundamental understanding. However, conventional spin source ma terials, constrained by high crystal symmetry, had long assumed certain forms of spin-orbit torques and magnetoresistive effects to be forbidden. The emergence of two-dimensional ma terials, with their lower crystal symmetry, provides a promising platform for overcoming these limitations. Their atomic sharp interfaces, flexibility in combining materials with different crystal structures, and electric tunability make them highly desirable for exploring spin related physics at interfaces. In this thesis, I investigate spin-orbit torque-induced magnetic switching and novel magnetoresistive effects in bilayer systems comprising a magnetic layer and a low-symmetry topological semimetal: tungsten ditelluride. Through magnetotrans port studies, I demonstrate unique field-free spin-orbit torque switching of a perpendicular magnet driven by unconventional out-of-plane spin generation. Additionally, I explore novel magnetoresistive effects suitable for magnetic detection in innovative device geometries. The experimental findings in this thesis pave the way for the utilization of low-symmetry spin source materials in advancing the control and detection of magnetic materials.
2024-04-05Degree Type
- Dissertation
- Physics
Degree Name
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)