Over time, our lifestyles accrete habits and become more rigid.
Major life events tend to provide opportunities for reflection
and change, but are infrequent. When looking at a problem like
commuting — the health, environmental, and economic effects
of the majority of commuters driving alone — we tend to see big
yet difficult solutions: changes in infrastructure and policy (like
more convenient bus routes, more separate bike paths, and more
expensive gas), it is often argued, will convince us to try something
else. But other ways of enabling lifestyle change are possible.
This thesis is an exploration of the potential for small-scale,
design-enabled experimentation in daily life to lead to change —
not only in incremental behaviors but in more significant practices
(recognizable, routinized patterns of behavior, embodied in the
things we do and say — ways of commuting, for instance). By
drawing on social practice theory, recent work on practice-oriented
design, and service design, I explored how trialling different ways
of commuting can enable practice transition — from driving
alone to biking, walking, carpooling, or taking public transit. The
output of this work was two complementary service offerings, one
of which I evaluated within the context of a local organization, as
well as the furthering of a dialogue on what it means to perform
practice-oriented design.