This Reproducible README.txt was generated on 20200508 by Erez Freud (, ---------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ---------------------------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Altered large-scale organization of shape processing in visual agnosia 2. Author Information Author Contact Information Name: Erez Freud Institution: York University Address: 4700 Keele St. Toronto, Ontario, Canada Email:; Author Contact Information Name: Marlene Behrmann Institution: Carnegie Mellon University Address: 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 15213 Email: --------------------------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------------------------- Directory of Files: 1. fMRI raw data (nii.gz files) for the paper entitled: Altered large-scale organization of shape processing in visual agnosia - For each participant, 8 functional runs and one anatomical run are included. The protocols are also included in a separate dataset. 2. stimuli (bmp files) and experiment (e-prime 2 file) are included. 3. Matlab codes (.m files) that were used for data analysis 4. The final version of the paper is included (Freud_Behrmann_Final_Version.pdf). ------------------------------------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Please see the paper for a description of the methods - doi: will be added 2. Methods for processing the data: Please see the paper for a description of the methods - Freud_Behrmann_Final_Version.pdf 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: fMRI data analysis software. For scanner properties - see dcmHeaders.mat file included in each folder. 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: Standards and calibrations for scans are contained in the nii.gz file naming convention. For scanner properties - see dcmHeaders.mat file. 5. Protocols Dataset (pmts files) includes all conditions for each run. 6. Please see the paper for a description of the methods - Freud_Behrmann_Final_Version.pdf: -------------------------------------------------- NOTES ON REPRODUCIBILITY -------------------------------------------------- While it would be virtually impossible to recreate these data exactly as described in the paper, the best approach would be to utilize the data deposited here, in combination with the methods described in the paper ("Freud_Behrmann_Final_Version.pdf")