This README.txt file was generated on 20210521 by Shayak Sengupta # # General instructions for completing README: # For sections that are non-applicable, mark as N/A (do not delete any sections). # Please leave all commented sections in README (do not delete any text). # ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset:Reduced-Form Dispatch Model of Indian Power Generation # # Authors: Include contact information for at least the # first author and corresponding author (if not the same), # specifically email address, phone number (optional, but preferred), and institution. # Contact information for all authors is preferred. # 2. Author Information First Author Contact Information Name: Shayak Sengupta Institution: Carnegie Mellon University Address: 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Email: Phone Number: 832-247-7156 Corresponding Author Contact Information Name: Inês Azevedo Institution: Stanford University Address: 367 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 Phone Number: 650-497-0818 Author Contact Information (if applicable) Name: Institution: Address: Email: Phone Number: --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- # # Directory of Files in Dataset: List and define the different # files included in the dataset. This serves as its table of # contents. # Directory of Files: A. Filename: run_KH.R Short description: wrapper file to run model, make output directories, and set up inputs, users edit this file B. Filename: dispatch_order_KH.R Short description: function to make dispatch merit order curve, outputs files "dispatch_order.csv" and "hydro.csv" which are dispatch curves and hydro plants respectively C. Filename: run_dispatch_KH.R Short description: function to dispatch plants based on demand, hydro constrains and RE generation, outputs "dispatched_plants.csv" raw model output D. Filename: daily_generation_comparison_KH.R Short description: aggregates raw model output into daily "daily_gen.csv" and monthly "model_obs_gen.csv" files, compares to observation files E. Filename: run_dispatch_KH.R Short description: function to dispatch plants based on demand, hydro constrains and RE generation F. Filename: dgr2-_cleaned.csv Short description: cleaned daily generation reports from Central Electricity Authority, Government of India ( G. Filename: POSOCO_state_demand_by_EAL_hour_.csv Short description: total demand for each state, based off daily demand from Power System Operation Corporation (POSOCO, and diurnal demand patterns from Energy Analytics Lab, IIT Kanpur ( H. Filename: all_MERIT_time_period_subset.csv Short description: cleaned output from MERIT India Database (, subset for model simulation period 9/2017-8/2018, gives most capacity allocations for plants to state I. Filename: all_plants_MERIT_master_unit_inventory_with_units.csv Short description: master database of plants in model matched from CEA generation reports to MERIT India J. Filename: hydro_load_profiles.csv Short description: average diurnal hydro profiles from CSEP Carbon Tracker ( K. Filename: MERIT_India_variable_cost_by_state_by_month.csv Short description: cleaned output from MERIT India Database with variable cost of generation data L. Filename: plants_not_in_MERIT.csv Short description: list of plants in CEA generation reports but not in MERIT India database M Filename: prices_.csv Short description: prices for each policy scenario: state (baseline), sulfur (sulfur control), sulfur_tax (sulfur control + $35/ton carbon tax), tax_10 ($10/ton carbon tax), tax_35 ($35/ton carbon tax), tax_100 ($100/ton carbon tax) N. Filename: RE_load_profiles.csv Short description: average diurnal renewable generation profiles for each state from CSEP Carbon Tracker ( O. Filename: renewable_gen.csv Short description: cleaned reported monthly renewable generation for each state from CEA ( P. Filename: run_dirs_pure_dispatch_.csv Short description: list of directories for file output for each scenario Q. Filename: pure_dispatch_.tar.gz Short description: compressed model output for each scenario R. Filename: __dispatch_order.csv Short description: merit order curve for state and day T. Filename: __hydro.csv Short description: hydro plants aggregated in merit order curves U. Filename: __dispatched_plants.csv Short description: raw model output, shows dispatched plants for day and state V. Filename: __dispatched_plants_daily_gen.csv Short description: takes raw output and aggregates to daily resolution from hourly resolution W. Filename: _-_model_obs_gen.csv Short description: monthly aggregated model output matched with monthly reported values X. Filename: _monthly_time_series_cap.png Short description: time series of daily capacity in dispatch curves for each state Y. Filename: _monthly_time_series.png Short description: time series of hourly model output split up by month, yellow line is net demand (total demand minus renewable generation), black line is total demand Z. Filename: _annual_time_series.png Short description: annual time series of hourly model output AA. Filename: _state_sector_by_month_coal.png Short description: monthly comparisons of predicted generation from intrastate coal plants against reported actual and scheduled generation AB. Filename: _state_sector_by_month_by_Fuel.png Short description: monthly comparisons of predicted generation from intrastate plants against reported actual and scheduled generation AB. Filename: _state_sector_comparison_annual_by_Fuel.png Short description: annual comparisons of predicted generation from intrastate plants against reported actual and scheduled generation Additional Notes on File Relationships, Context, or Content (for example, if a user wants to reuse and/or cite your data, what information would you want them to know?): Please note that these data and output are for September 2017-August 2018, except renewable and hydro generation profiles which are for November 2018 to October 2019 # # File Naming Convention: Define your File Naming Convention # (FNC), the framework used for naming your files systematically # to describe what they contain, which could be combined with the # Directory of Files. # File Naming Convention: N/A see above for naming conventions for repeated files # # Data Description: A data description, dictionary, or codebook # defines the variables and abbreviations used in a dataset. This # information can be included in the README file, in a separate # file, or as part of the data file. If it is in a separate file # or in the data file, explain where this information is located # and ensure that it is accessible without specialized software. # (We recommend using plain text files or tabular plain text CSV # files exported from spreadsheet software.) # ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: dgr2-_cleaned.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 18 2. Number of cases/rows: variable 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: station Description: name of power station B. Name: unit Description: unit number C. Name: capacity Description: unit capacity in MW D. Name: sched_gen Description: scheduled daily generation in GWh E. Name: act_gen Description: actual daily generation in GWh F. Name: hist_sched Description: cumulative scheduled total generation in GWh from April 1 of that year (when the fiscal year in India starts) G. Name: hist_act Description: cumulative actual total generation in GWh from April 1 of that year (when the fiscal year in India starts) H. Name: coal_stock Description: coal stock for unit left in days I. Name: outage Description: capacity in MW out for the day (blank if none out) J. Name: outage_date Description: date when outage happened K. Name: sync_date Description: date when unit came back from outage, or expected date it will be running again L. Name: remarks Description: reason why unit is out M. Name: date Description: date for report N. Name: plant_no Description: unique plant number, matches station name O. Name: Region Description: power region where plant is located P. Name: State Description: state where plant is located Q. Name: Sector Description: sector that owns plant R. Name: Fuel Description: fuel type for plant ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: POSOCO_state_demand_by_EAL_hour_.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 26 2. Number of cases/rows: variable 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: date Description: date B. Name: state Description: state C. Name: 1 Description: total demand in hour 1 D. Name: 2 Description: total demand in hour 2 E. Name: 3 Description: total demand in hour 3 F. Name: 4 Description: total demand in hour 4 G. Name: 5 Description: total demand in hour 5 H. Name: 6 Description: total demand in hour 6 I. Name: 7 Description: total demand in hour 7 J. Name: 8 Description: total demand in hour 8 K. Name: 9 Description: total demand in hour 9 L. Name: 10 Description: total demand in hour 10 M. Name: 11 Description: total demand in hour 11 N. Name: 12 Description: total demand in hour 12 O. Name: 13 Description: total demand in hour 13 P. Name: 14 Description: total demand in hour 14 Q. Name: 15 Description: total demand in hour 15 R. Name: 16 Description: total demand in hour 16 S. Name: 17 Description: total demand in hour 17 T. Name: 18 Description: total demand in hour 18 U. Name: 19 Description: total demand in hour 19 V. Name: 20 Description: total demand in hour 20 W. Name: 21 Description: total demand in hour 21 X. Name: 22 Description: total demand in hour 22 Y. Name: 23 Description: total demand in hour 23 Z. Name: 24 Description: total demand in hour 24 ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: all_MERIT_time_period_subset.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 19 2. Number of cases/rows: 496412 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: Station Description: name of power station from MERIT India database B. Name: Description: capacity in MW allocated to state C. Name: Plant.Capacity..MW. Description: total plant capacity in MW D. Name: Type.Of.Station Description: plant fuel type (Thermal = coal and lignite) E. Name: Ownership Description: type of ownership (Central Government, State Government, Private) F. Name: Variable.Cost..Rs.Unit. Description: variable cost of power according to PPA for that plant and state, Rs/kWh G. Name: Fixed.Cost..Rs.Unit. Description: fixed cost of power according to PPA for that plant and state, Rs/kWh based on normative plant output (to convert per kW captial costs to per kWh values) H. Name: Total.Cost..Rs.Unit. Description: fixed and variable costs added, Rs/KWh I. Name: Declared.Capability..MWh. Description: generation capability for the day J. Name: Schedule..MWh. Description: scheduled generation for the day K. Name: Deviation.from.Merit.Order..MWh. Description: any generation deviating from merit order generation L. Name: Reason.for.Deviation...Remarks.if.any. Description: coments on why generation deviated from merit order M. Name: unit_inventory_name Description: name of station according to CEA reports N. Name: Region Description: power region where plant is located O. Name: State Description: state where plant is located P. Name: Sector Description: sector that owns plant Q. Name: Fuel Description: fuel type for plant R. Name: date Description: generation date S. Name: MERIT.state Description: state name in MERIT data base ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: all_plants_MERIT_master_unit_inventory_with_units.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 13 2. Number of cases/rows: 1082 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: station Description: name of station according to CEA reports B. Name: Region Description: power region where plant is located C. Name: State Description: state where plant is located D Name: Sector Description: sector that owns plant E. Name: Fuel Description: fuel type for plant F. Name: unit Description: unit number G. Name: capacity Description: capacity in MW of unit H. Name: plant_no Description: unique plant number, matches station name I. Name: Station Description: name of power station from MERIT India database J. Name: Plant.Capacity..MW. Description: total plant capacity in MW K. Name: Type.Of.Station Description: plant fuel type (Thermal = coal and lignite) L. Name: Ownership Description: type of ownership (Central Government, State Government, Private) M. Name: Ignore Description: ignore when joining with other tables (NA) ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: hydro_load_profiles.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 5 2. Number of cases/rows: 288 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: month Description: month of the year B. Name: hour_of_day Description: hour of the day (0-23) C. Name: avg_gen Description: average hydro generation in MWh during hour of the day D Name: total_gen Description: total average daily hydro generation in MWh during that month E. Name: frac_hydro Description: average fraction of hydro generation for that hour of day and month (avg_gen/total_gen) ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: MERIT_India_variable_cost_by_state_by_month.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 13 2. Number of cases/rows: 8492 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: unit_inventory_name Description: name of station according to CEA reports B. Name: MERIT.state Description: state name in MERIT data base C. Name: month Description: month of the year (1-12) D. Name: Region Description: power region where plant is located E. Name: State Description: state where plant is located F. Name: Sector Description: sector that owns plant G. Name: Fuel Description: fuel type for plant H. Name: date Description: generation date I. Name: min Description: minimum cost (Rs/kWh) found for that month and station J. Name: 25th Description: 25th percentile cost (Rs/kWh) found for that month and station K. Name: median Description: median (Rs/kWh) found for that month and station L. Name: 75th Description: 75th percentile (Rs/kWh) found for that month and station M. Name: max Description: maximum cost (Rs/kWh) found for that month and station N. Name: WM Description: capacity weighted mean (Rs/kWh) found for that month and station ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: plants_not_in_MERIT.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 12 2. Number of cases/rows: 34 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: station Description: name of power station B. Name: unit Description: unit number C. Name: capacity Description: unit capacity in MW D. Name: plant_no Description: unique plant number, matches station name E. Name: Region Description: power region where plant is located F. Name: State Description: state where plant is located G. Name: Sector Description: sector that owns plant H. Name: Fuel Description: fuel type for plant I. Name: cap Description: unit capacity in MW (generally blank) J. Name: plant_cap Description: plant capacity in MW (generally blank) K. Name: frac_cap Description: fraction of capacity allocated to state (0-1) L. Name: sim.state Description: state where power from unit is consumed (simulation state) ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: prices_.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 12 2. Number of cases/rows: 704 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: station Description: name of power station B. Name: State Description: state where plant is located C. Name: capacity Description: unit capacity in MW D. Name: plant_no Description: unique plant number, matches station name E. Name: Sector Description: sector that owns plant F. Name: Fuel Description: fuel type for plant G. Name: unit Description: unit number H. Name: Region Description: power region where plant is located I. Name: HR_kcal_kWh Description: heat rate of unit in kcal/kWh J. Name: Rs_per_kWh Description: variable cost of power (Rs/kWh) in that scenario (with taxes or any additional costs) for each unit J. Name: CO2_kg_MWh Description: CO2 emissions factor (kg CO2/MWh produced) for each unit in that scenario K. Name: SO2_kg_MWh Description: SO2 emissions factor (kg CO2/MWh produced) for each unit in that scenario ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: RE_load_profiles.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Number of cases/rows: 10080 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: State Description: State where renewable energy is produced and consumed B. Name: month Description: month of the year (January-December) C. Name: hour_of_day Description: hour of the day (0-23) D. Name: gen Description: average diurnal renewable generation (in MWh) for that hour of the day and that month in that state ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: renewable_gen.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 14 2. Number of cases/rows: 34 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: State Description: State where renewable energy is produced and consumed B. Name: Sep Description: September 2017 renewable generation (in GWh) C. Name: October Description: October 2017 renewable generation (in GWh) D. Name: November Description: November 2017 renewable generation (in GWh) E. Name: December Description: December 2017 renewable generation (in GWh) F. Name: Jan Description: January 2018 renewable generation (in GWh) G. Name: Feb Description: February 2018 renewable generation (in GWh) H. Name: Mar Description: March 2018 renewable generation (in GWh) I. Name: Apr Description: April 2018 renewable generation (in GWh) J. Name: May Description: May 2018 renewable generation (in GWh) K. Name: June Description: June 2018 renewable generation (in GWh) L. Name: July Description: July 2018 renewable generation (in GWh) M. Name: Aug Description: August 2018 renewable generation (in GWh) N. Name: total Description: September 2017-August 2018 renewable generation (in GWh) ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: run_dirs_pure_dispatch_region.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Number of cases/rows: 5 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: region Description: power region (N, S, E, W, NE) B. Name: directory Description: directory where results are stored ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: run_dirs_pure_dispatch_.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 2 2. Number of cases/rows: 32 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: state Description: state simulated B. Name: directory Description: directory where results are stored ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: -_dispatch_order.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 22 2. Number of cases/rows: variable 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: station Description: name of power station B. Name: unit Description: unit number C. Name: Region Description: power region where plant is located D. Name: State Description: state where plant is located E. Name: Sector Description: sector that owns plant F. Name: Fuel Description: fuel type for plant G. Name: plant_no Description: unique plant number, matches station name H. Name: capacity Description: unit capacity in MW I. Name: HR_kcal_kWh Description: heat rate of unit in kcal/kWh J. Name: Rs_per_kWh Description: variable cost of power (Rs/kWh) in that scenario (with taxes or any additional costs) for each unit K. Name: CO2_kg_MWh Description: CO2 emissions factor (kg CO2/MWh produced) for each unit in that scenario L. Name: SO2_kg_MWh Description: SO2 emissions factor (kg CO2/MWh produced) for each unit in that scenario M. Name: cap Description: capacity in MW allocated to state according to MERIT database N. Name: plant_cap Description: plant capacity in MW according to MERIT database O. Name: frac_cap Description: fraction of capacity allocated to state (0-1) (cap/plant_cap) P. Name: allo_cap Description: allocated capacity in MW from unit (frac_cap*cap) Q. Name: outage Description: capacity in MW out for the day according to CEA reports R. Name: date Description: date of order S. Name: percent_out Description: fraction of capacity (outage/capacity) out according to CEA reports T. Name: total_cap Description: total capacity in MW available to generate for the day ((1-percent_out)*allo_cap)) U. Name: WM Description: weighted average variable cost of power (Rs/kWh) for hydro aggregate plants V. Name: cum Description: cumulative sum in MW of capacity available to generate, represents merit order/dispatch curve ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: -_hydro.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 20 2. Number of cases/rows: variable 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: station Description: name of power station B. Name: unit Description: unit number C. Name: Region Description: power region where plant is located D. Name: State Description: state where plant is located E. Name: Sector Description: sector that owns plant F. Name: Fuel Description: fuel type for plant G. Name: plant_no Description: unique plant number, matches station name H. Name: capacity Description: unit capacity in MW I. Name: HR_kcal_kWh Description: heat rate of unit in kcal/kWh J. Name: Rs_per_kWh Description: variable cost of power (Rs/kWh) in that scenario (with taxes or any additional costs) for each unit K. Name: CO2_kg_MWh Description: CO2 emissions factor (kg CO2/MWh produced) for each unit in that scenario L. Name: SO2_kg_MWh Description: SO2 emissions factor (kg CO2/MWh produced) for each unit in that scenario M. Name: cap Description: capacity in MW allocated to state according to MERIT database N. Name: plant_cap Description: plant capacity in MW according to MERIT database O. Name: frac_cap Description: fraction of capacity allocated to state (0-1) (cap/plant_cap) P. Name: allo_cap Description: allocated capacity in MW from unit (frac_cap*cap) Q. Name: outage Description: capacity in MW out for the day according to CEA reports R. Name: date Description: date of order S. Name: percent_out Description: fraction of capacity (outage/capacity) out according to CEA reports T. Name: total_cap Description: total capacity in MW available to generate for the day ((1-percent_out)*allo_cap)) ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: -_dispatched_plants.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 29 2. Number of cases/rows: variable 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: station Description: name of power station B. Name: unit Description: unit number C. Name: Region Description: power region where plant is located D. Name: State Description: state where plant is located E. Name: Sector Description: sector that owns plant F. Name: Fuel Description: fuel type for plant G. Name: plant_no Description: unique plant number, matches station name H. Name: capacity Description: unit capacity in MW I. Name: HR_kcal_kWh Description: heat rate of unit in kcal/kWh J. Name: Rs_per_kWh Description: variable cost of power (Rs/kWh) in that scenario (with taxes or any additional costs) for each unit K. Name: CO2_kg_MWh Description: CO2 emissions factor (kg CO2/MWh produced) for each unit in that scenario L. Name: SO2_kg_MWh Description: SO2 emissions factor (kg CO2/MWh produced) for each unit in that scenario M. Name: cap Description: capacity in MW allocated to state according to MERIT database N. Name: plant_cap Description: plant capacity in MW according to MERIT database O. Name: frac_cap Description: fraction of capacity allocated to state (0-1) (cap/plant_cap) P. Name: allo_cap Description: allocated capacity in MW from unit (frac_cap*cap) Q. Name: outage Description: capacity in MW out for the day according to CEA reports R. Name: date Description: date of order S. Name: percent_out Description: fraction of capacity (outage/capacity) out according to CEA reports T. Name: total_cap Description: total capacity in MW available to generate for the day ((1-percent_out)*allo_cap)) U. Name: WM Description: weighted average variable cost of power (Rs/kWh) for hydro aggregate plants V. Name: cum Description: cumulative sum in MW of capacity available to generate, represents merit order/dispatch curve W. Name: gen Description: generation in MWh from that unit for that hour X. Name: hour Description: hour of the day (1-24) simulated Y. Name: net_demand Description: net demand in MWh (total demand - renewable generation) for the hour Z. Name: demand Description: total demand in MWh for the hour AA. Name: load_shed Description: logical whether all generation met demand for the dat (FALSE = all demand met, TRUE = all demand not met) AB. Name: CO2_kg Description: total CO2 in kg emitted (CO2_kg_MWh*gen) for that amount of generation AC. Name: SO2_kg Description: total SO2 in kg emitted (SO2_kg_MWh*gen) for that amount of generation ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: -_dispatched_plants_daily_gen.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 12 2. Number of cases/rows: variable 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: station Description: name of power station B. Name: unit Description: unit number C. Name: plant_no Description: unique plant number, matches station name D. Name: capacity Description: unit capacity in MW E. Name: Region Description: power region where plant is located F. Name: State Description: state where plant is located G. Name: Sector Description: sector that owns plant H. Name: Fuel Description: fuel type for plant I. Name: frac_cap Description: fraction of capacity allocated to state (0-1) (cap/plant_cap) J. Name: act_gen Description: actual reported/observed monthly generation in GWh from CEA reports K. Name: sched_gen Description: scheduled reported/observed monthly generation in GWh from CEA reports L. Name: gen Description: simulated generation in GWh from that unit for that month M. Name: CO2_kg Description: total CO2 in kg emitted (CO2_kg_MWh*gen) for that amount of generation N. Name: SO2_kg Description: total SO2 in kg emitted (SO2_kg_MWh*gen) for that amount of generation O. Name: month Description: month of the year (1-12) P. Name: year Description: year (2017 or 2018) Q. Name: sim.state Description: simulate state where power is consumed ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: -_model_obs_gen.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 17 2. Number of cases/rows: variable 3. Missing data codes: NA not applicable "" blank 4. Variable List # # Example. Name: Wall Type # Description: The type of materials present in the wall type for housing surveys collected in the project. # 1 = Brick # 2 = Concrete blocks # 3 = Clay # 4 = Steel panels A. Name: station Description: name of power station B. Name: unit Description: unit number C. Name: plant_no Description: unique plant number, matches station name D. Name: Region Description: power region where plant is located E. Name: State Description: state where plant is located F. Name: Sector Description: sector that owns plant G. Name: Fuel Description: fuel type for plant H. Name: date Description: date of order I. Name: frac_cap Description: fraction of capacity allocated to state (0-1) (cap/plant_cap) J. Name: gen Description: simulated generation in MWh from that unit for that day K. Name: CO2_kg Description: total CO2 in kg emitted (CO2_kg_MWh*gen) for that amount of generation L. Name: SO2_kg Description: total SO2 in kg emitted (SO2_kg_MWh*gen) for that amount of generation -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- # # Software: If specialized software(s) generated your data or # are necessary to interpret it, please provide for each (if # applicable): software name, version, system requirements, # and developer. #If you developed the software, please provide (if applicable): #A copy of the software’s binary executable compatible with the system requirements described above. #A source snapshot or distribution if the source code is not stored in a publicly available online repository. #All software source components, including pointers to source(s) for third-party components (if any) 1. Software-specific information: Name: R Version: 3.6.3 System Requirements: Windows 10 or Linux Open Source? (Y/N): Y (if available and applicable) Executable URL: Source Repository URL: Developer: The R Project for Statistical Computing Product URL: Software source components: Additional Notes(such as, will this software not run on certain operating systems?): # # Equipment: If specialized equipment generated your data, # please provide for each (if applicable): equipment name, # manufacturer, model, and calibration information. Be sure # to include specialized file format information in the data # dictionary. # 2. Equipment-specific information: Manufacturer: Model: (if applicable) Embedded Software / Firmware Name: Embedded Software / Firmware Version: Additional Notes: # # Dates of Data Collection: List the dates and/or times of # data collection. # 3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) : 201807-202106