CMU-INstats Ice nucleation statistics code developed by William D Fahy at Carnegie Mellon University under the supervision of Professor Ryan Sullivan with input from Cosma Rohilla Shalizi This code is the archived version of the code and documented in Fahy et al. Within this repository is the code itself, a toy dataset, a description of how to recreate the figures in Fahy et al., and a how-to document on how to use the code and recreate the figures in Fahy et al. There is also an active version of the code at where updates and bug fixes may be posted. You are welcome to use and distribute this code as you see fit, but it remains the intellectual property of the authors and must be cited appropriately (please cite both the paper and the code). The doi for this code is 10.1184/R1/19494188. An appropriate citation is included at the end of this document. If you are going to make your own changes to the code, (e.g. improvements, bug fixes, etc.), I encourage you to reach out so that we can include a version of your updated code in the active Github repository. Direct any questions about this code to: Ryan Sullivan (, or create an issue in the Github repository of the active version of the code. Fahy, W. D., Shalizi, C. R., and Sullivan, R. C.: Code and data accompanying “A universally applicable method of calculating confidence bands for ice nucleation spectra derived from droplet freezing experiments,”, 2022.