The thesis presents a reflection and a case study of fairness notions in machine learning.
I review commonly used fairness notions and reflect on the subtleties with respect to the
role played by causality in fairness analysis. Then focusing on the Equalized Odds notion of
fairness, I consider the theoretical attainability of Equalized Odds and, furthermore, if it is
attainable, the optimality of the prediction performance under various settings. In particular,
for prediction performed by a deterministic function of input features, I give the conditions
under which Equalized Odds can hold true; if the stochastic prediction is acceptable, I show
that under mild assumptions, fair predictors can always be derived. For classification tasks, I
further prove that compared to enforcing fairness by post-processing, one can further benefit
from exploiting all available features during training and get potentially better prediction
performance while remaining fair.